Assignments & Expectations
Assignments are written down on the students' assignment sheet/planner each day during check-out time. Students are responsible for filling out their own assignment book. The assignment book will be used as a communications tool between the parent and teacher. There is a comment section that the teacher or parent may write notes to each other in. The Hillcrest Bobcats ROAR behavior plan will be used and infractions will be recorded in the assignment book/sheet. Each assignment that is not handed in on time will be recorded in the assignment book/sheet as a LA=Late Assignment infraction.
Homework and important notes are brought home each night in the homework folder. The homework folder has a leave at home side and a bring back to school side. The leave at home side is for papers to be left home that night. Work or notes that need to come back the next day need to go in the bring back to school side. Most corrected papers, new spelling list, and notes will come home on Fridays in the leave at home side.
After assignments are completed in the classroom, students may do extra time choices. Extra time choices in the classroom may include the following: AR book, other assignments or homework that are incomplete, continuing writer's workshop stories, doing packet of the month, or items out of the "Fun Things to Do Box." Students can earn treasure tickets for doing pages out of the packet of the month or by doing items out of the "Fun Things to Do Box." After a student has received 5 treasure tickets, the student can trade them in for a prize out of the treasure box. J